
Resonance of feelings!

between of souls, not only the looks, they have feelings.

the day, souls are alive within a matrix of the material, but when the night came.. souls seem to be reborn.. IDK..

I just studied from a stranger ( i called ” stranger ” ) what IDK meant ” YEs, It was ” I dont know “, I smiled the first time..

Really mood..

speechless, a new word for me.. I was watching trailer of ” The King speech “.. Amazing so??

as your wish, as my wish.. smiles from Sphinx.. am complex mind..i read minds, i memories words as they used to be..

I W T F I L w Y, A (L)… can you guess it ???

Let see it was from Sphinx..

Wont you read this entry.. B.c you was outside this site.. you are on FB.. I knew now.. Let me go..


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MY POLL.. WHAT TO BE DONE ??Special or Amazing!!!


Ikechukwu ihezue ihezue  Monday, March 12, 2012 9:00:44 PM

I dont understand

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daisy1009daisy2603  Monday, March 12, 2012 9:43:21 PM

Yes. I know. U cant

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sure, am VN too


My POLL here

Hi friends, you see my Poll ?

Most of all like 3 seasons ” Spring, summer, autumn “..

I didnt see the button of Winter had checked, why ??

Winter is for cold.. frozen,.. freeze,.. and what does it do to become one of 4 season?? What did it do?

I think that was the time for bear to sleep, and people were lazy to get out the home.. uhmmm.. that was simple means?????????/

I dont think so.. Anyone can tell me more???

Beside of this, i see death, unactive life, freeze streams, and shelter for homeless.. what are going to become more winter???

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I need you trust me, because i am a …Resonance of feelings!


Ikechukwu ihezue ihezue  Friday, March 9, 2012 11:17:18 PM

Next time I choose winter it is xmas time, new yr plus plenty enjoyment.

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daisy1009daisy2603  Saturday, March 10, 2012 2:24:19 AM

cause i was not allowing multip choice to my POLL, but if i let that choice, how can i get your minds,, dear friends!!!

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Adonis @ my.opera /friendspartyworldAdonisali  Saturday, March 10, 2012 1:07:26 PM

I like that song about santa in christmastime a lot from superjunior. I heard it from last december so many times and i still get happy hearing it.

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daisy1009daisy2603  Saturday, March 10, 2012 4:34:08 PM

Oh, you are still in December, i loved winter, i love spring, summer, and the autumn..my mood was belong to the autumn.. Yellow leaves, branches, and daisy flowers.. My date of bird is in autumn, i knew much! Dear friend, love four seasons we will have more memories.. Here, i found other reason for winter, that is Santa Claus is coming to Town..am I right?

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Adonis @ my.opera /friendspartyworldAdonisali  Saturday, March 10, 2012 9:18:02 PM

Yes, you are smile .

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~ latemate ~Lazeeitus  Saturday, March 17, 2012 5:55:41 PM

. . winter is also good . when the snow covers all in a nice clean white blanket . .

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daisy1009daisy2603  Sunday, March 18, 2012 12:24:45 AM

Most of all in winter place where having snow seem to be hard, last winter is terrible.. My tropical is having rain and dry season, not complication much, of course in the north has 4 ss..and winter is also terrible..look at Russia, all they can do is saving warm inside the house and next step is burn something to be warm! I admired their stands!

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~ latemate ~Lazeeitus  Tuesday, March 20, 2012 12:13:48 AM

. . the cold is harsh sometimes . but there is less disease at least ! . . 
. . i hear what you say about climate in your area but theres something so magical in the 4 seasons . . just listen to Vivaldi ! . .

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daisy1009daisy2603  Tuesday, March 20, 2012 2:04:32 AM

yes.. magical is form of climate.. Who knows what will be happen tomorrow, next days!!!

Yes, winter can log disease till spring comes..
now, everywhere , everyone can see through forecast, but not much people believe in forecast too.. sometimes, the weather is too sour and scornful like a girl..

Vivaldi with The Four seasons!!!
thanks latemate. Your name is like a season stayed up late somewhere!!!bigsmile

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~ latemate ~Lazeeitus  Friday, March 23, 2012 12:54:42 AM

. . haha thats funny daisy,sometimes the season is late ! . . also funny how you describe weather like a girl ! . . 
. . what would vivaldi do if he must make a tune from only 2 seasons ? . .

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daisy1009daisy2603  Friday, March 23, 2012 1:47:52 AM

He would do that only with Rain and Tear.. And look up the sky ” where are my notes? ”..right?

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daisy1009daisy2603  Friday, March 23, 2012 1:53:54 AM

And in my Viet Nam, there was a song about character of a girl like weather ” sunny and rainny “.. If you want, i search that song here! Am sure you could not understand, but girls are so! And me too..

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Ikechukwu ihezue ihezue  Friday, March 23, 2012 6:47:03 PM

So you are from vietnam

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he taught me how to whisper on opera : amazing man

The silence of the lambs

The silence of the lambs!!
If you can speak out some troubles, why dont you choice me, i will listen without any fightings, I am sure i can save it in my heart and draw to you a new way!!!

Believe me.. Am the call of heart!!!

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smile of the time!!I need you trust me, because i am a …


daisy1009daisy2603  Wednesday, March 7, 2012 9:04:46 AM

let your heart keeps the calm!!!, do you want refesh / restart / or game over your life???

quitting out of silence, waves of heart will kill you sooner you can imagine so

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Adonis @ my.opera /friendspartyworldAdonisali  Sunday, March 11, 2012 1:39:54 PM

I will just whisper


and you will be the only one to know

this. Edit the comment and you can see how it works …

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daisy1009daisy2603  Sunday, March 11, 2012 2:35:58 PM

I will edit your comment everyday, just to see your whisper! It must be from Sphinx, she whispered your ears every night? 
Adonis, if i could whisper like you, i will do it for you only.. You are an amazing to me.. Do you know what does daisy flower like ? Sun, water, light? Choice 1 of 3 above, i will answer you what daisy likes and will know my feeling.. It was your choice, i stopp writing to edit your comment! 
Last question for you now : do you like special or amazing ?

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daisy1009daisy2603  Sunday, March 11, 2012 2:38:49 PM

Dont edit or delete it your whisper? Thanks anyway, you made it, and you had right..

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Ikechukwu ihezue ihezue  Monday, March 12, 2012 12:46:05 PM

Hy daisy where are you, sleeping? Miss u.

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daisy1009daisy2603  Monday, March 12, 2012 3:02:26 PM

Originally posted by ihezue:

Hy daisy where are you, sleeping? Miss u.

am fine, thanks. have a nice day!

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we come to closer than ?

smile of the time!!

I looked at his albumn, where i find smiles..Yes, we are the angel in front of the albumn, just we look at them and smile.. We smiled with their memories, their smiles, and we just think about our memories too.. It seem to be quiet in the heart when it says ” Past, come back to me now “

I ever and ever want my memories so!!!

I post music here, if you like, let me know!!

thanks for your albumn, Luc!!!

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Giấc mơ xa mạc!!! “Je t’aime, je t’aime”-The silence of the lambs


Adonis @ my.opera /friendspartyworldAdonisali  Tuesday, March 6, 2012 5:34:33 PM

I like smiling faces, i like the music. And i like the daisy in and out of the video lol

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Nguyen Sinhnguyensinhk7  Tuesday, March 6, 2012 5:47:40 PM

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daisy1009daisy2603  Tuesday, March 6, 2012 11:34:39 PM

Thanks and with smiles!

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daisy1009daisy2603  Wednesday, March 7, 2012 10:05:09 AM

Originally posted by Adonisali:

I like smiling faces, i like the music. And i like the daisy in and out of the video

Really ??? daisy is loving Bees.. and the sunshine…

I post that entry for you only.. because i watched your albumn and i remember the time when i was a child…..

love it, i like you..

bang bang faint faint

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Adonis @ my.opera /friendspartyworldAdonisali  Saturday, March 10, 2012 1:16:13 AM

Originally posted by daisy2603:


Originally posted by Adonisali:

I like smiling faces, i like the music. And i like the daisy in and out of the video

Really ??? daisy is loving Bees.. and the sunshine…

I post that entry for you only.. because i watched your albumn and i remember the time when i was a child…..

love it, i like you..

bang bang faint faint


I like you a lot too, i guess if we were both as young as those innocent children, i might have made you smile even more confused

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daisy1009daisy2603  Saturday, March 10, 2012 2:31:05 AM

smile is the best to save for the last.. What we remember our past, that was funny time and smiles.. 

played with time, and time was passing us, time marked to our faces many furrows.. but they made us smile enough to live forever !!!

Originally posted by Adonisali:

I like you a lot too, i guess if we were both as young as those innocent children, i might have made you smile even more

On the same place, on the same time, may we happen so..who did know? now, on the same page.. we are here… funny….talking about your furrows and rolling eyes to see what to be done in future!!! May Dreams from the old man??? you —- > the old man now????

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Adonis @ my.opera /friendspartyworldAdonisali  Saturday, March 10, 2012 1:17:37 PM

I cannot think of me as an old man, strange isnot it. Well, hearing that song, yes then it hits me. I smiled a lot but had a bad temper too. If i smile its for real and i didnot thought of growing very old awww but now i do sometimes.

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Adonis @ my.opera /friendspartyworldAdonisali  Saturday, March 10, 2012 1:20:38 PM

Hey you are teasing me, right? I see your avatar being don quichote and his servant lol

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Adonis @ my.opera /friendspartyworldAdonisali  Saturday, March 10, 2012 1:21:46 PM

Hey you are teasing me, right? I see your avatar being don quichote and his servant lol

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daisy1009daisy2603  Saturday, March 10, 2012 4:40:44 PM

Yes, they are.. Do you see your windmill? I knew its concerning your windmill but i think he had dreams too.. He did it even failed.. He was brave to do the dream!

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бабка113chanel113  Tuesday, April 3, 2012 8:29:51 AM

Это русский композитор Игорь Крутой.Понравилась мелодия.Спасибо.love love love

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speed of making friends here

Oh,i move to anywhere i could, dont blame!

I see your speed of connecting people here.. i felt dizziness, but nothing speacial.. do as your wish.. i still wait something new to open my mind..
I care mind, ideas, art and life-style

I am just to know how to sitdown, dont let me stand up.. i will fall down.. no one can help me …smile


you must love me : the day you met me,,, MAr 2nd


her voice makes me alive tonight!

I love my life, and i also love YOU. MY COUNTRY

I confess myself .. I was living an unclear life..HOW NOW?

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I want to tell this in “self-confident “???STAY IN MY HEART, DONT HURT ME 


Ikechukwu ihezue ihezue  Monday, March 5, 2012 5:38:21 PM

Hi daisy, nice having you back as a friend.

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daisy1009daisy2603  Monday, March 5, 2012 5:40:26 PM

I am sorry. We are so quiet , how are you?

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daisy1009daisy2603  Monday, March 5, 2012 5:42:13 PM

I tried to catch you recently, but work and time were so hard. Everything goes well?

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Ikechukwu ihezue ihezue  Tuesday, March 6, 2012 6:13:38 AM

Been very busy, travelled out station.

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daisy1009daisy2603  Tuesday, March 6, 2012 6:15:13 AM

ah, where to go?

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Ikechukwu ihezue ihezue  Tuesday, March 6, 2012 6:18:12 AM

Been very busy, travelled out station.

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Ikechukwu ihezue ihezue  Tuesday, March 6, 2012 6:21:39 AM

Enugu in my country for road construction.

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Ikechukwu ihezue ihezue  Tuesday, March 6, 2012 6:22:02 AM

Enugu in my country for road construction.

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daisy1009daisy2603  Tuesday, March 6, 2012 6:22:22 AM

where are u now? on traveling now or somewhere?? tell me a little ?

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Adonis @ my.opera /friendspartyworldAdonisali  Tuesday, March 6, 2012 7:59:47 AM

A nice video !

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daisy1009daisy2603  Tuesday, March 6, 2012 8:02:10 AM

can you watch it already??

Her voice, i meant her performance and lyrics

Do you like country songs?

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daisy1009daisy2603  Tuesday, March 6, 2012 8:03:24 AM

Originally posted by ihezue:

Enugu in my country for road construction.

Ah, you are contrustion worker.. interesting life..eyes on everything passing you!!!

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Ikechukwu ihezue ihezue  Tuesday, March 6, 2012 8:13:00 AM

Thanks see you later.

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Adonis @ my.opera /friendspartyworldAdonisali  Tuesday, March 6, 2012 8:16:01 AM

Yes i watched it on pc. I guess i like.

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daisy1009daisy2603  Tuesday, March 6, 2012 8:18:41 AM

bye,, see later!!!

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daisy1009daisy2603  Tuesday, March 6, 2012 8:19:41 AM

Luc, I guess i like?? dont have a nice song for me?

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Ikechukwu ihezue ihezue  Tuesday, March 6, 2012 9:17:34 PM

Beatiful video, fine

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daisy1009daisy2603  Tuesday, March 6, 2012 11:44:07 PM

Yes, woman has strong love and she already knew ” You must “.

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Adonis @ my.opera /friendspartyworldAdonisali  Saturday, March 10, 2012 1:34:34 AM

Originally posted by daisy2603:

Luc, I guess i like?? dont have a nice song for me?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=SeEh1ZCIe0k (the lyrics in the uploaders text of a song with this background: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ATGFJIJckeM&feature=related )

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Adonis @ my.opera /friendspartyworldAdonisali  Saturday, March 10, 2012 1:35:24 AM

yes up smile yes

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daisy1009daisy2603  Saturday, March 10, 2012 2:39:35 AM

nice memories of time.. you must be loving your childhood.. i watch the song.. running the button to see their future.. all is nothing special,,yes special was present.. I remember the time when i was a child.. i wish i grow up quickly to do many thing .. now when i am already knowing my childhood has gone,, i still recall it in my dream…. i ‘ve been here from 28 years ago.. I knew what not to be done within my dream, and i think let guess what to be done??

thanks for your music, stay with memories of time..


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Daisy and Friend! As ever friend!

Bến Bình An

Lời tâm tình của Daisy gửi tới bạn, một ngừoi bạn mà đã từ lâu Daisy không gọi điện hỏi thăm!

Daisy giận bạn lắm, biết không?

bạn tạo ra những câu chuyện giả tạo chỉ để có sự đồng cảm với Daisy, chúng ta là bạn từ mấy năm về trước mà?? Daisy tin bạn nên nói rất nhiều thứ trên đời..

Ừ, Daisy biết bạn cũng chẳng tệ đến độ thông báo cho mọi ngừơi biết thái độ sống của Daisy như thế nào, nhưng khi Daisy phát hiện ra bạn hạnh phúc rất nhiều so với những gì bạn kể thì Daisy sụp đổ hòan tòan..

Ta chọn một ngừơi bạn, ta gửi vào đó những câu chuyện của ta.. thực tình ta cũng chẳng cố ý coi bạn là chiếc hộp bí mật, nhưng vì cái chữ sẻ chia mà Daisy đã nói.. bạn đã nói dối mình!!!

Bạn sung suớng hơn nhiều điều bạn kể, bạn chỉ nói đối để trở thành ngừơi đồng hành với Daisy thôi!!

Bạn sai rồi, Daisy có tính đố kỵ rất cao, hay để bụng và thẳng thắn nữa..

Daisy không tin vào bạn nữa nhưng cũng không cắt tình bằng hữu với bạn, bạn chỉ không còn ở vị trí đỉnh cao mà Daisy để giành… Và từ đó, sẽ chẳng ai bứơc vào vị trí đó thay thế bạn đâu.

Daisy, Daisy ghét bạn nhưng cũng thương bạn.. dối trá chỉ làm cho chúng ta mặc cảm về nhau..

Sự thật, bạn đã mong có một gia đình hạnh phúc như Daisy.. ừ, mỗi tiếng cừoi từ nhà Daisy nó gom từ những giọt nước mắt.. ai cũng đắp cho nó bằng những lời cầu nguyện..thế nên.. hạnh phúc là mong manh.. đừng đùa với nó.. 
Daisy thích gọi bạn là Hằng.. nhưng Daisy chẳng gọi tên đó nữa suốt 4 tháng nay..không chúc noel, không chúc Tết.. những buổi gặp mặt bị hủy.. Daisy chán phải đối diện với sự hạnh phúc của bạn,, vì bạn đã mô tả gia đình bạn như hỏa ngục, nhưng lẽ nào nó mang bạn lại gần ta đến thế.. rồi chỉ trong vài khoảnh khắc cuộc đời.. Ngừoi hiểu ta nhất lại là người làm ta đau lòng nhất.

Daisy cầu chúc bạn có một nội tâm thật vững mạnh.. hãy làm theo tiếng trái tim..

Và đó là Bến Bình An!!

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Chúa có hiểu tôi??

Có ai hiểu trong cái đầu tôi đang ngọ nguậy tinh quái gì.. tôi chẳng muốn ngừng lại.. tôi chẳng muốn ngủ..Hay là tôi điên.. Faust, kẻ bán linh hồn cho quỷ.. cái gì làm ta không ngơi nghỉ.. lòng đố kỵ,tính hào nhoáng?? Faust, ta muốn biết kết quả của ngươi..!!!

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I go to find Faust!Cupid is somewhere, nowhere?


daisy1009daisy2603  Monday, February 13, 2012 4:25:16 PM

nhắm mắt thấy trần nhà cuồng quay, mở mắt thấy trần nhà sập xuống.. Faust, ngươi lại trở về trong giấc ngủ của Ta

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Capitaine Cavernefrogier  Monday, February 13, 2012 10:35:33 PM

Hey, Daisy !! Do not remember to write in english ???? lol (It’s a joke !)yes

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daisy1009daisy2603  Monday, February 13, 2012 11:50:09 PM

Yes. Just no one teach me how to write, how are you?

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Capitaine Cavernefrogier  Monday, February 13, 2012 11:56:38 PM

Fine, Daisy !! And you ?!

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famous meant …

Famous life within drug, fantastic dream and leave the world so soon.. May, famous life is the same?

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Remind me her voice..Fear

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Remind me her voice..

And W.H.. the singer of love song died, i just ask myself ” What is last forever ?”

No one can answer me,.. I want to hear the song ” Missing you ” by singer D.R..

Now,i look D.R to miss her voice, W.H