My Lucky appeared : ) thanks for your coming

a tour of life

take a look to this file, will you hesitate your love anymore???

the tour of life.ppt

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Dear friend, where are you now?Video


daisy1009daisy2603  Friday, January 20, 2012 8:33:27 AM

Uhmm, sadness somehow. No one likes this powerpoint? Really doesnt like to watch it?

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jörgmrpropper  Friday, January 20, 2012 11:22:59 AM

i watched:)

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daisy1009daisy2603  Friday, January 20, 2012 4:01:30 PM

Thanks, what do you think now?

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Capitaine Cavernefrogier  Friday, February 3, 2012 11:25:49 AM

Daisy, in future, you are Welcome in my page ! 

Cute Graphics

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daisy1009daisy2603  Friday, February 3, 2012 3:02:10 PM

thanks,, you are too.. my friend!! I like it !!!

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Capitaine Cavernefrogier  Friday, February 3, 2012 3:48:26 PM

Yes, i crack face to this sweety cat and i happy to sharing this animation !

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daisy1009daisy2603  Friday, February 3, 2012 4:48:23 PM

Thanks. I love it. Busy time makes my music was not posted. I hope we still

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Capitaine Cavernefrogier  Friday, February 3, 2012 4:52:09 PM

Yes, me too !! I prepared good my links of my page, now is ready and i placed this link for discover this big french hits (Look the big player)

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daisy1009daisy2603  Saturday, February 4, 2012 4:20:41 AM

Morning has broken?

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Capitaine Cavernefrogier  Saturday, February 4, 2012 4:21:59 AM

Hi, Daisy !! No ? In France, is 04:01 ! How are you doing ?

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Capitaine Cavernefrogier  Saturday, February 4, 2012 4:27:01 AM

daisy1009daisy2603  Saturday, February 4, 2012 4:33:45 AM

Hahaha.. Am on opera mini

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Capitaine Cavernefrogier  Saturday, February 4, 2012 4:35:04 AM

And i you’re see the picture ?? Not maybe !

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Capitaine Cavernefrogier  Saturday, February 4, 2012 4:36:18 AM

Look this player, Daisy :

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daisy1009daisy2603  Saturday, February 4, 2012 4:37:23 AM

Thanks, Sugar and Rose. Are u waiting Valentine to her?

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daisy1009daisy2603  Saturday, February 4, 2012 4:39:16 AM

Oh, got amazing photo?

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Capitaine Cavernefrogier  Saturday, February 4, 2012 4:41:37 AM

My last post is player of french music and today i am miss my Valentine !!

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Capitaine Cavernefrogier  Saturday, February 4, 2012 4:44:35 AM

You part to work, no ?

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daisy1009daisy2603  Saturday, February 4, 2012 4:53:43 AM

Yes. U should do the best. bravo

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Capitaine Cavernefrogier  Saturday, February 4, 2012 4:54:42 AM

I know, Daisy ! You’re part of my best friend’s !

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daisy1009daisy2603  Saturday, February 4, 2012 5:02:48 AM

I am writing mail to my co-worker. Sometimes i am here, sometime i was there!

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Capitaine Cavernefrogier  Saturday, February 4, 2012 5:04:28 AM

The work passed before the comments in you’re opera !

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daisy1009daisy2603  Saturday, February 4, 2012 5:05:26 AM

Yes. We are best friends! smile

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daisy1009daisy2603  Saturday, February 4, 2012 5:08:13 AM

The work which i dont want to do, but i must do

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Capitaine Cavernefrogier  Saturday, February 4, 2012 5:09:28 AM

Yes, and speaking with you, to miss ! yes After one las mail, i am disconnect on my opera because i need to sleep : i hope speak with you to soon (After you’re journey of work, why not ?) 

Passed a good day Daisy and so careful of you !

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daisy1009daisy2603  Saturday, February 4, 2012 5:17:35 AM

Yes. See later!

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Adonis @ my.opera /friendspartyworldAdonisali  Monday, July 16, 2012 12:12:05 AM

Originally posted by daisy2603, January 20, 2012 9:33:27 AM:

Uhmm, sadness somehow. No one likes this powerpoint? Really doesnt like to watch it?

Originally posted by mrpropper,January 20, 2012 12:22:59 PM :

i watched:)

Originally posted by daisy2603, January 20, 2012 5:01:30 PM :

Thanks, what do you think now?

Originally posted by someone:

Hahaha.. Am on opera mini

I just saw it now. because i was on opera mini, when you told me. Now, i feel that there are no words yet, to express my feeling. I guess you are in that train, and i have been accompanying some old ladies, and now their places are empty, but i have to decide where we can be together, for the rest of the trip. I felt a little bit lonely, and i wasnot sure if i had to get out too. But now that i saw you, and considering that the train hasnot yet reached its destination, I think we should find some place to sit-settle together. Its complicated to do that, but i did it in real life, so i should be able to do this again. Donot worry, that it might take too long. The train is long, and the road may be dark sometimes, but i believe there is a place for us, in this train, together. It seems to be a french train by the way. But i can communicate in many languages, so i will get to you, maybe in a dining wagon first? I hope my coffee reservation will work wait 2-4 coffee 

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Adonis @ my.opera /friendspartyworldAdonisali  Monday, July 16, 2012 12:21:57 AM

Originally posted by daisy2603:

When love was just a word to say, how can i show you ” I love you “?
Love will never lie, if so, you neednot say, let me touch your chest then heart will beat the tune of love.

I have heard a sweet, soft, tune, and i think we are already tuned on the same frequency, more or less.

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daisy1009daisy2603  Monday, July 16, 2012 2:50:12 AM

I know in that train, you are sitting on somewhere, and i must find where you are..french or any language will become speechless when we find together. Bt i hope you wont down at the time i up to your train. I dont want to hear ” if you miss the train i am on, you will know that i am… Gone ”.. Dont say that to me..

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daisy1009daisy2603  Monday, July 16, 2012 2:53:49 AM

And coffee will be serviced every moment, i dont know how to make a cup of coffee by filter machine, i need to learn and of course by hand-filter..

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daisy1009daisy2603  Tuesday, July 24, 2012 2:29:07 PM

i want music now, Luc.. where are you now?

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Adonis @ my.opera /friendspartyworldAdonisali  Tuesday, July 24, 2012 4:54:24 PM

Originally posted by daisy2603:

i want music now, Luc.. where are you now?

in your heart i hope, in your thoughts, and in your dreams, sweety.

And asap to touch you in and at places in ways you will love, and some that only will be known to our kids even more close?

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daisy1009daisy2603  Tuesday, July 24, 2012 10:05:30 PM

Yes.. Ily

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Adonis @ my.opera /friendspartyworldAdonisali  Thursday, March 21, 2013 2:47:51 PM

Originally posted by Adonisali:

Originally posted by daisy2603, January 20, 2012 9:33:27 AM:

Uhmm, sadness somehow. No one likes this powerpoint? Really doesnt like to watch it?

Originally posted by mrpropper,January 20, 2012 12:22:59 PM :

i watched:)

Originally posted by daisy2603, January 20, 2012 5:01:30 PM :

Thanks, what do you think now?

Originally posted by someone:

Hahaha.. Am on opera mini

I just saw it now. because i was on opera mini, when you told me. Now, i feel that there are no words yet, to express my feeling. I guess you are in that train, and i have been accompanying some old ladies, and now their places are empty, but i have to decide where we can be together, for the rest of the trip. I felt a little bit lonely, and i wasnot sure if i had to get out too. But now that i saw you, and considering that the train hasnot yet reached its destination, I think we should find some place to sit-settle together. Its complicated to do that, but i did it in real life, so i should be able to do this again. Donot worry, that it might take too long. The train is long, and the road may be dark sometimes, but i believe there is a place for us, in this train, together. It seems to be a french train by the way. But i can communicate in many languages, so i will get to you, maybe in a dining wagon first? I hope my coffee reservation will work wait 2-4 coffee ”


Do you remember? I am still on the train, and I can see you are too, when I look carefully. I will settle for tea, warm water, even cold water, if I can trust it.

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daisy1009daisy2603  Thursday, March 21, 2013 4:43:45 PM

Ppl serviced coffee, hot and cold water. You saw me really? What was i doing when you seeing me? Or you just was in a coffee shop, drinking your favourite style and let me passed by? I do really hope you feel a nice day at that moment, caused ” when my train started the engine, i may lost your eyeing eye and just more than 500 times of missing you. Next train, may you see s.o like me then you wont let the train away? Its me in this train or s.o like me next train? Circle of life s running to us..

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daisy1009daisy2603  Thursday, March 21, 2013 4:44:09 PM

Ppl serviced coffee, hot and cold water. You saw me really? What was i doing when you seeing me? Or you just was in a coffee shop, drinking your favourite style and let me passed by? I do really hope you feel a nice day at that moment, caused ” when my train started the engine, i may lost your eyeing eye and just more than 500 times of missing you. Next train, may you see s.o like me then you wont let the train away? Its me in this train or s.o like me next train? Circle of life s running to us..

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daisy1009daisy2603  Thursday, March 21, 2013 4:57:45 PM

If you are painter, i would be excellent model on the train or bus. Mona Lisa just gave softly smile, i would give a best silence, caused i hear music on the way to work (by bus: addicted by). I look outside the window and never want to stop listening. Music makes my brain working, you..if you was in the bus, you draw me, my painter ?

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