Blind Blind on the internet!
Thursday, November 29, 2012 11:21:35 PM
I started a joke,
You play a game,
I am doing best!
You did not !
I spent in charge,
You did not!
I’m no knowing
You played so good!
Am just alone,
You’ve been more, under others, bt still you are?
I cant be sure, that who you are!
I got in love,
A man with fakes,
again, again.
You should shoot me, then i free of mind!
I started a game, you played so good.
I’ve been lost, a heart.. A heart you knew!
Let s keep away! Seperate ours!
You play a game,
I am doing best!
You did not !
I spent in charge,
You did not!
I’m no knowing
You played so good!
Am just alone,
You’ve been more, under others, bt still you are?
I cant be sure, that who you are!
I got in love,
A man with fakes,
again, again.
You should shoot me, then i free of mind!
I started a game, you played so good.
I’ve been lost, a heart.. A heart you knew!
Let s keep away! Seperate ours!
Pls! Dont use internet as a blind as i am doing now! Am fear!
Time passed! No promise finished!Tea or coffee?
daan van wijkinjuredatlas # Sunday, December 16, 2012 9:03:33 PM
its not a shame to say what is known and understood by those who got played. they forgive like a thunderstorm fades to give room for sunshine jou will see.
i promise my old friend
daisy1009daisy2603 # Monday, December 17, 2012 9:02:03 AM
Originally posted by injuredatlas:
To tell something hiden from us : we need brave or encouragement. then some time to be forgiven! Thanks for your words!