Seem. You forgot my real name, my words, my world? Am I catching the Eel, you are the eel whom i try to catch. Even i fear of it, and touch skin can make me cold. Where is the eel?

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facebookAm a daughter, bt he had never loved me.


~ latemate ~Lazeeitus  Monday, April 23, 2012 5:53:19 AM

. . maybe the eel worries it may be all consumed by your curious allure : left

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daisy1009daisy2603  Monday, April 23, 2012 9:31:00 AM

Am I ? The eel is so slippery and it will come out off my hand. Mother told me should rub hands with the ash to catch it easier. Can also use the sand too. Do you think so?

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daisy1009daisy2603  Monday, April 23, 2012 9:35:46 AM

But i dont eat the eel broth. Cause it was in cold-blooded group.. awww

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Adonis @ my.opera /friendspartyworldAdonisali  Monday, April 23, 2012 3:43:49 PM

Originally posted by daisy2603:

But i dont eat the eel broth. Cause it was in cold-blooded group.. awww

up heart yes in your hands, any fish will be feeling his blood get warmed, bruising and pulsing. 

i want to be catched by a lot more than just your hands. I want you to feel me as a warm splash in (all?) your caves, that makes you tingle and smile with pleasure like never before in our life. i will take with me olivesoap, to make the hardest bodyparts feel soft like silk.


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daisy1009daisy2603  Monday, April 23, 2012 3:52:21 PM

wonderful words.. are you feeling so??? 

I wish, if the world is flat… yes.. i move to you.. right soon?

How can I be closed to you?

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Ikechukwu ihezue ihezue  Monday, April 23, 2012 10:41:08 PM

Hi daisy

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daisy1009daisy2603  Tuesday, April 24, 2012 1:59:55 AM

Originally posted by ihezue:

Hi daisy

hello, how are you?

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Ikechukwu ihezue ihezue  Tuesday, April 24, 2012 6:50:03 AM

Im fine, missed you.

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~ latemate ~Lazeeitus  Tuesday, April 24, 2012 7:31:52 AM

. . in london we eat jellied eels . . and its served cold ! . .
yes I guess sand cah help grip eel . . but sand can also get in eyes ! 
hmm this eel story seems like one told by vanjoy before:sherlock:

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daisy1009daisy2603  Tuesday, April 24, 2012 8:55:55 AM

Why do you think that? Latemate?

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daisy1009daisy2603  Tuesday, April 24, 2012 9:02:38 AM

Izehue, thanks for remembered me. I am not contact, bt we can still be friend. Sure!

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~ latemate ~Lazeeitus  Saturday, April 28, 2012 12:43:41 PM

. . why do I think what daisy ? . the sand in the eyes ? haha . . if its re vanjoy thats because she said the same thing . . but thats ok no problem . . the eel parable seems a very viet one . .

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Adonis @ my.opera /friendspartyworldAdonisali  Monday, April 30, 2012 1:40:34 AM

Originally posted by Lazeeitus:

. . in london we eat jellied eels . . and its served cold ! . .
yes I guess sand cah help grip eel . . but sand can also get in eyes ! 
hmm this eel story seems like one told by vanjoy before sherlock

there are many stories, they may seem alike, but every story is a story of its own.

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daisy1009daisy2603  Monday, April 30, 2012 3:16:26 AM

You are right. My Adonis, and forgot s.t on somewhere abt me, latemate.! Am not easy to quit or leave, just some new page. That s all. I want look around what happens and where should i be. Thanks for recognize me. Thats real.

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