Tea or coffee?

Do you want to drink tea or coffee?
am doing a cup of tea, if you want…

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Blind Blind on the internet!We should unfriend?


daisy1009daisy2603  Sunday, December 2, 2012 11:42:27 PM

Morning has broken! Want tea for early, then coffee for the middle today! I love to say that i love this life, and s.o from this life was getting more special!

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Blind Blind on the internet!

I started a joke,
You play a game,
I am doing best!
You did not !
I spent in charge,
You did not!
I’m no knowing
You played so good!
Am just alone,
You’ve been more, under others, bt still you are?
I cant be sure, that who you are!
I got in love, 
A man with fakes,
again, again.
You should shoot me, then i free of mind!
I started a game, you played so good. 
I’ve been lost, a heart.. A heart you knew!
Let s keep away! Seperate ours!

Pls! Dont use internet as a blind as i am doing now! Am fear!

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Time passed! No promise finished!Tea or coffee?


daan van wijkinjuredatlas  Sunday, December 16, 2012 9:03:33 PM

It is never too late to tell someone the truth,even when its way too late, it gives room for the one that you played, the chance to understand you.and it is the power of mankind to forgive even the most severe actions are understood if you come clean.
its not a shame to say what is known and understood by those who got played. they forgive like a thunderstorm fades to give room for sunshine jou will see.
i promise my old friend

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daisy1009daisy2603  Monday, December 17, 2012 9:02:03 AM

Originally posted by injuredatlas:

It is never too late to tell someone the truth,even when its way too late, it gives room for the one that you played, the chance to understand you.and it is the power of mankind to forgive even the most severe actions are understood if you come clean.
its not a shame to say what is known and understood by those who got played. they forgive like a thunderstorm fades to give room for sunshine jou will see.
i promise my old friend

To tell something hiden from us : we need brave or encouragement. then some time to be forgiven! Thanks for your words!

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Time passed! No promise finished! I walked alone onto darkness! You couldnt understand what is in my mind! I want to give all, mill myself to smallest, my love is complex ” family, country, you, others “, the complex is i love but i dont have ideas to do that love. Doing alone, i felt tired. All accts i made to be matrix myself. Free me pls.! Free myself! God must be lonely from the Galaxy! In that space, a little prince is calling!

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Am on the bus to go home. I felt not ok.Blind Blind on the internet!


daisy1009daisy2603  Wednesday, November 28, 2012 11:54:55 PM

A partner to go on, i should that, dont miss your train? Oh, i forget that modern life is having electric-train with higher speed, oh, how does it stop by when you want to drop your step at any station? Is that One- way ticket and no return!

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True color of Us!

A little girl in my class asked me ” which color on skin our God pls ? 
Oh my sweety! Of course same our present color, but what color do you want on him? 
Yes, he should be green, pink, or rainbow color my teacher!
rainbow color? Why?
bc of differ ppl, will have other favor colors to get onto him.
but he should be none color to make our game ” Peekaboo ” more perfect!
i think so, and human search him forever? Are you tired of that?
sure, am tired, bt in my sleep, he came and safe me..
i love the color on you, its made from God and from our parents’ genes ? We do love the differ color and True Color. Amen!

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Quotes from series ” Crash of the Titan “True color of Us!

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Quotes from series ” Crash of the Titan “

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How amazing Piano Dear Adonis!True color of Us!

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How amazing Piano Dear Adonis!

My dear, Adonis!

Did you try to hear the music behind my own page now..

It sounds raindrop keep falling on the surface of a lake now.. 

It made imagining the rain still here, on the road in Bien Hoa, then ppl went inside their house to keep far from the wet outside, stayed ok and drunk a cup of tea.. how the world was slowly like this music and so smooth ..

Adonis,, Did you try to listen alone? I am thinking when will you enjoin this song and coffee or tea.. 


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from my beloved translationQuotes from series ” Crash of the Titan “

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Without you here, i was sunk into non monotonous theories by the land of freedom..


Can you see my mind now? 

Without you here, i was sunk into non monotonous theories by the land of freedom..

There was a little brave and that brave died in a lonely of scary!

you must love me.. can you see my way? my mind?

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when i passed the age 20s!My Family – Моя Семья

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