start day 1: i was ever thinking much? i asked ” about human : ” words ” :)

Why are you so silent to me? Talk… talk with me.. what are you thinking? Talk .. Talk with me..

Dont let your word die..dont let it die
Song : Keep talking P.L

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Friend of my friend is my friend?I spent a holy night music yesterday.


daisy1009daisy2603  Thursday, December 15, 2011 2:57:13 PM

People told me that ” silence is golden “, sometimes i thought ” Deathly silence “..

Talk, speak out, Tell…

The ancients would open the century by talking

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Adajoh Reubenreu2  Friday, December 16, 2011 9:29:41 AM

There are times when silence means…. Talk..less!

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Adajoh Reubenreu2  Friday, December 16, 2011 9:47:50 AM

Daisy, i‘m not able to play ur video.

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Adajoh Reubenreu2  Friday, December 16, 2011 9:54:57 AM

Do you play/write music? Tell me more pls. I‘m impressed!

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